Teaching Portfolio

In addition to my research activities, it is important for me to integrate my research interests in academic teaching. In my experience, especially focusing on current societal phenomena and communication trends sparks the interest of students to engage in scientific work and boosts their enthusiasm for empirical research. 
So far, I have taught over 60 courses on a wide variety of topics and on different levels, both in German and English language, and I have supervised close to 100 theses.

Master Level


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Winter 2021/2022 | Lecture + Course
Title: Hate Speech, Fake News & Cancel Culture? The digital society in an era of post-truth
University of Klagenfurt | Master Media, Communications and Culture | 6 ETCS | 2h/week | Evaluation: 1.00

Master Projects

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Winter/Summer 2021/2022 | Project Seminar (1 year)
Title: Beauty or Education? Social media influencers and their role in the socialization of adolescents and young adults
University of Klagenfurt | Master Media, Communications and Culture | 8 ETCS | 2h/week  

| Evaluation: 1.00

Summer 2018 | Research Project
Title: Changes in Journalism
University of Vienna (International Master of Communication Science) | 10 ETCS | 2h/week | Evaluation: 1.60

Summer/Winter 2013/14 | Master Project (5 courses in total)

Title: Media Fatigue - Attitudes Towards and Avoidance of Media 
LMU Munich | 36 ETCS | 4-6h/week | Evaluation: 1.52

Advanced Seminars | Empirical Research Projects

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Winter 2019/20 | Theories, Models & Methods of Journalism Research (2 courses)

Title: "Outrage yourselves!" When and how should journalism emotionalize?
LMU Munich (Journalism Master) | 12 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.50

Winter 2017/18 | | Applied Research Projects
Title: Media Use Between Emotion Management and Social Distinction
HMTM Hanover | 2 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: not evaluated

Winter 2016/17 | Perspectives and Methods of Research on Media Use and Effects (2 courses)

Title: The Role of Others in the Communication Process
LMU Munich | 15 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.33


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Winter 2020/21 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: pending

Winter 2018/19 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: 1.53

Winter 2015/16 | Mediatization and Journalistic Practices From an International Perspective
LMU Munich (Master International Public Relations)  | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.79

Winter 2014/15 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: not evaluated

Winter 2013/14 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: not evaluated

Winter 2012/13 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: not evaluated

Winter 2011/12 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: 1.72

Winter 2010/11 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: 1.89

Summer 2010 | Computer-based Data Analysis for Advanced Users
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | Block Course (equals 3hr/week) | Evaluation: not evaluated

Bachelor Level

Advanced Seminars | Empirical Research Projects

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Summer 2022 | Research seminar
Title: Join in! Applied forms of media education in schools.
University of Klagenfurt | 6 ETCS | 2h/week | Evaluation: pending

Summer 2021 |  Theories, Models & Methods of Empirical Research (2 courses) 

Title: Sustainable, prosocial, self-affirming? The phenomenon of "Sinnfluencers" and how they can contribute to a better society.
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.22

Winter 2020/21 | Application of Empirical Methods in Communicator and Audience Research  (2 courses)
Title: How Influencers Promote Political Messages and Sustainable Lifestyles
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.15

Summer 2020 | Theories, Models & Methods of Empirical Research (2 courses)
Title: „I Say What I Want!“ The Public Discourse on Freedom of Speech
LMU Munich | 12 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.80

Winter 2018/19 | Application of Empirical Methods in Communicator and Audience Research  (2 courses)
Title: Unfake the News! The Concept of Fake News Between Disinformation and Media Criticism
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.39

Summer 2018 | Research Seminar
Title: Perceived Media Influence on Others in Political Communication
University of Vienna | 3 ETCS | 2h/week | Evaluation: 1.80

Winter 2016/17 | Application of Empirical Methods in Communicator and Audience Research  (2 courses)

Title:  Your Opinion, My Opinion? - The Role of Others in the Communication Process
LMU Munich | 6 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.58

Winter 2015/16 | Theories, Models & Methods of Empirical Research (2 courses)
Title: Effects of Persuasive Content on Consumers
LMU Munich | 12 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.50

Winter 2013/14 | Theories, Models & Methods of Empirical Research (2 courses)
Title: The Presentation of Public Opinion in the Mass Media and its Relevance for Recipient Judgements
LMU Munich | 12 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.62

Winter 2012/13 | Theories, Models & Methods of Empirical Research (2 courses)
Title: Advertising Research
LMU Munich | 12 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.60

Winter 2012/13 | Theories, Models & Methods of Empirical Research (2 courses)
Title: Facebook, Twitter & Co. – Exemplification Effects Online
LMU Munich | 12 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.70

Winter 2012/13 | Theories, Models & Methods of Empirical Research (2 courses)
Title: Exemplars in Communication Research
LMU Munich | 12 ETCS | 4h/week | Evaluation: 1.47


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Summer 2018 | Introduction to Political Communication
University of Vienna | 2h/week | Evaluation: 1.30


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Summer 2022 | Proseminar

Title: From beauty filters to deep fakes - How does digitalization change our reality?
University of Klagenfurt | 4 ETCS | 2h/week | Evaluation: pending 

Winter 2019 | Introduction To Scientific Working
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | Block course (equals 2hr/week) | Evaluation: 1.47

Summer 2019 | Computer-based Data Analysis
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.33

Summer 2019 | Computer-based Data Analysis
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.63

Summer 2018 | Bachelor Thesis Seminar (combined with supervision of BA-theses)
University of Vienna | 10 ETCS | 2h/week | Evaluation: 1.30

Winter 2017/18 | International Media
HMTM Hanover | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.41

Winter 2017/18 | | Selected Areas of Media Use and Effects Research
Title: My Opinion, Your Opinion? The Role of Others in Media Effects Research
HMTM Hanover | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.11

Winter 2017/18 | Basic Methods of Empirical Communication Research: Survey
HMTM Hanover | 4 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.62

Summer 2017 | Computer-based Data Analysis
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.40

Summer 2017 | Computer-based Data Analysis
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.79

Winter 2015/16 | Computer-based Data Analysis
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.86

Summer 2015 | Communication Research
LMU Munich | 2 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.75

Summer 2015 | Communication Theory
LMU Munich | 2 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.92

Summer 2012 | Communication Research
LMU Munich | 2 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.69

Winter 2011/12 | Communication Theory
LMU Munich | 2 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: not evaluated

Summer 2011 | Communication Research
LMU Munich | 2 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.49

Summer 2010 | Communication Research
LMU Munich | 2 ETCS | 2hr/week | Evaluation: 1.84


Doctorate Level

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Summer 2022 | Interaction Workshop
University of Klagenfurt | 4 ETCS | 2h/week | Evaluation: 1,00

Summer Schools

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 Summer 2018 | MISU International Summer School (LMU Cooperation)

Title: Media Theory / Communications
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | 4 Days Block Course | Evaluation: not evaluated

Summer 2016 | MISU International Summer School (LMU Cooperation)
Title: Media Theory / Communications
LMU Munich | 3 ETCS | 4 Days Block Course | Evaluation: not evaluated


So far, I have supervised almost 100 theses (master and bachelor level) in the course of my academic life. In addition, I have been a reviewer on a doctoral defense at the University of Vienna in 2018. 
The theses covered a broad range of topics from communication and media research, and have been of both theoretical and empirical nature. It is important to me to guide candidates through the process without interfering with their own creativity, meaning that I let them develop their own research questions and designs.