Service to the Scientific Community & University Engagement
Academic Functions
2022 | Member of the Nominations Committee of the ICA Political Communication Division
Since 2021 | Member of the DGPuK-working group on data publication
Since 2020 | Co-Founder of the CHARMS-Network on systematic research into hostility against scientists (
Since 2017 | Coordinator and Supervisor of the Online-Access Panel for Social Sciences (DGPuK)
2019 -2020 | Head of the DGPuK-working group for developing recommendations for the handling of research data in communication science
2018 - 2020 | Chair of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK)
2016 - 2018 | Vice-Chair of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK)
2012 - 2021 | Editor of the Journal "Transfer: Young Researchers in Communication Science" (DGPuK)
2018 - 2019 | Member of the James W. Carey Urban Communication Award Committee (ICA)
2017 | Member of the „Best Article of the Year“ Award Comittee (DGPuK)
University Engagement
Since 2022 | Deputy Head of the Department of Media and Communications of the University of Klagenfurt
Since 2022 | Deputy Head of the Doctoral Programme "HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMUNICATION AND MANAGEMENT (HSCM)" of the University of Klagenfurt
Since 2021 | Member of the Equal Opportunities Working Group at the University of Klagenfurt
Since 2020 | Member of the LMU Open Science Center
2018 | Member of the Search Committee for the W2 Professorship in Communication
Since 2015 | Mentor in the Programme "Ment15: Mentoring program for female doctoral candidates and students of the Faculty of Social Sciences“
2016 - 2018 | Vice-Women’s Officer of the Social Science Faculty (Member of the Department and Faculty Board)
2017 | Head of a Working Group to Reform the Concept for Promoting Young Researchers at the LMU
2017 | Head of a Working Group to Reform the Concept for Promoting Young Researchers at the LMU
2016 | Member of the Organisation Committee for the Department Programme Evaluation („Akkreditierung“)
2012 - 2016 | Representative of the Academic Staff (“Mittelbausprecherin”; Member of the Department Board)
Conference Organization
2022 | Organisation of a Workshop on "Influencers and their role in the socialisation of adolescents and young adults" in the context of the annual conference of the German Communication Association, virtual.
2021 | Organisation of the Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Media Use and Effects Division "RezFoForFuture - How can communication scholars contribute to a sustainable society?" scheduled for 27.-29.01.2021 in Munich, Germany
2017 | Organisation of the ICA-Preconference "Ordinary Citizens in the News" together with Thomas Zerback (University of Zurich), 25.05.2017 in San Diego, USA
2016 | Organisation of the Annual Conference for Early-Career Scholars, 8.-10.09.2016 in Munich, Germany
2014 | Organisation of the Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Methods Division "Methodological challenges and innovations in communication and media research" 09.-11-10.2014 in Munich, Germany
- American Political Science Review
- Communication Methods & Measures
- Communication Research
- European Journal of Communication
- European Journal of Health Communication
- Human Communication Research
- Information, Communication & Society
- International Journal of Communication
- International Journal of Press/Politics
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
- Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Communication
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- Journal of Media Psychology
- Mass Communication and Society
- Media Psychology
- Mobile Media Communication
- Public Opinion Quarterly
- Publizistik
- Studies in Communication and Media
- Studies in Communication Science
- DGPs