
Edited Volumes & Journals

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Jungblut, M., Kümpel, A. S., Peter, C. & Wulf, T. (Eds., 2023). The Russian Invasion of Ukraine in Modern Information Environments: Content, Consumers, and Consequences of Digital Conflict Communication. Frontiers in Political Science.

Kümpel, A., Peter, C., Schnauber-Stockmann, A., & Mangold, F. (Eds., 2022). Nachhaltigkeit als Gegenstand und Zielgröße der Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung. Aktuelle Studien und Befunde. Nomos Verlag.

Jünger, J., Gochermann, U., Peter, C. & Bachl, M. (Eds., 2022). Grenzen, Probleme und Lösungen bei der Stichprobenziehung. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag. 

Peter, C. & Zerback, T. (Eds.) (2020). Ordinary Citizens in the news. Special issue in Journalism Studies, 20(8).

Peter, C. & Koch, T. (Eds.) (2019). Countering misinformation in an era of post-truth. Special issue in Studies in Communication and Media, 8.

Müller, P., Geiß, S., Schemer, C., Naab, T., & Peter, C. (Eds.) (2019). Dynamische Prozesse der öffentlichen Kommunikation: Methodische Herausforderungen [Dynamic processes of public communication: Methodological challenges]. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Peter, C., Naab, T. K., & Kühne, R. (Eds.) (2019). Measuring media use and exposure: Recent developments and challenges. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag. 


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Koch, T., Peter, C., & Müller, P. (2018). Das Experiment in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft [The experiment in communication and media science]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Peter, C. (2016). Fernsehen als Zerrspiegel - Relevanz und Bedingungen sozialer Vergleichsprozesse im Rahmen der Fernsehnutzung [ Television as a distorting mirror - relevance and conditions of social comparison processes in the context of television use]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Publications in Edited Volumes

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Peter, C. (2023). „The opposite of a great truth is also true“ - McGuire’s (1968) Personality and Attitude Change: An information-processing theory. In Tino. G. Meitz, Nils S. Borchers & B. Naderer (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Werbeforschung (p. 99-108). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Brosius, H.-B. & Peter, C. (2021). Nachrichtennutzung in der Corona-Krise und ihre Auswirkung auf die Akzeptanz der politischen Maßnahmen. In M. Magin, U. Rußmann und B. Stark (Eds.), Demokratie braucht Medien (S. 215-235). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Peter, C. & Zerback, T. (2021). Bürger/innen als Akteur/innen in der politischen Kommunikation. In I. Borucki, K. Kleinen-von-Königslöw, S. Marschall & T. Zerback (Eds.,) Handbuch Politische Kommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Denner, N. & Peter, C. (2020). Lügenpresse, schreibt die Presse? Die Selbstthematisierung deutscher Tageszeitungen in Bezug auf den Begriff Lügenpresse. In R. Holfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, L. S. Lehner & M. Sengl (Hrsg.), Fake News & Desinformation - Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung (S. 269-282). Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag.

Peter, C. (2020). Analysis of covariance. In J. Van den Bulck (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Peter, C. (2019). Fallbeispiele in der Gesundheitskommunikation [Exemplars in Health Communication]. In C. Rossmann & M. Hastall (Eds.), Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation [The Health Communication Handbook] (pp. 505-518). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Haas, A., Karnowski, V., & Peter, C. (2018). Hans-Bernd Brosius und die deutschsprachige Kommunikationswissenschaft: Autoren der Beiträge in Publizistik, Rundfunk und Fernsehen und Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 1983 bis 2016 [Hans-Bernd Brosius and the German-speaking Communication Science]. In P. Rössler & C. Rossmann (Eds.), Kumulierte Evidenzen: Replikationsstudien in der empirischen Kommunikationsforschung [Cumulative Evidence] (pp. 225-244). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Brosius, H.-B., Peter, C., & Kümpel, A. (2018). Medien und Gewalt [Media and Violence]. In D. Hermann & A. Pöge (Eds.), Handbuch Kriminalsoziologie [Handbook of Criminal Sociology] (pp. 235-248). Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag.

Peter, C. (2017). Analysis of covariance. In J. Matthes, C. S. Davis, & R. F. Potter (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Brosius, H.-B., & Peter, C. (2017). Exemplification theory. In P. Rössler (Ed.), International encyclopedia of media effects. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.

Brosius, H.-B., & Peter, C. (2016). Die Berichterstattung der Medien über Kriminalität und Justiz und ihre Wirkung auf die Öffentlichkeit [Media coverage of crime and justice and their impact on the public]. In U. Murmann (Ed.), Strafrecht und Medien [Criminal law and media]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag (pp. 37-49). Göttingen: Universitätsverlag.

Brosius, H.-B., & Peter, C. (2015). Third-person effects. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication (S. 620-621). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Peter, C. & Brosius, H.-B. (2013). Wahrnehmungsphänomene [Perceptual phenomena]. In W. Schweiger & A. Fahr (Eds.), Handbuch Medienwirkungsforschung [Handbook of Media Effects Research] (pp. 463-480). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 

Koch, T., Obermaier, M., & Peter, C. (2013). Viel hilft viel? Einfluss von Wiederholungsanzahl und Größe von Internetwerbebannern auf Mere-Exposure- und Truth-Effekt [The more the merrier? Influence of number of repetitions and size of online advertising banners on mere-exposure and turn-truth effect]. In H. Schramm & J. Knoll (Eds.), Innovation der Persuasion: Die Qualität der Werbe- und Markenkommunikation in neuen Medienwelten [Innovations in Persuasion] (pp. 141-157). Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Peter, C. & Fahr, A. (2013). Vergleiche vergleichen - Instrumente zur Messung sozialer Vergleiche mit Medienpersonen [Comparing comparisons – Instruments for measuring social comparisons with media personae]. In T. K. Naab, D. Schlütz, W. Möhring & J. Matthes (Eds.), Standardisierung und Flexibilisierung als Herausforderungen der kommunikations- und publizistikwissenschaftlichen Forschung [Standardization and flexibilization as challenges of communication research] (pp. 156-179). Köln: von Halem.

Peter, C. & Koch, T. (2013). Sag mir, wer du bist und ich sag dir, was du brauchst! Wahrnehmung und Wirkung personalisierter Werbebotschaften im Web 2.0 [Tell me who you are and I'll tell you what you need! Perception and effect of personalised advertising messages in Web 2.0]. In H. Schramm & J. Knoll (Eds.), Innovation der Persuasion: Die Qualität der Werbe- und Markenkommunikation in neuen Medienwelten [Innovations in Persuasion] (pp. 124-140). Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Peter, C. (2013). Quo vadis Fallbeispielforschung? Aktuelle Befunde und zukünftige Herausforderungen an ein Forschungsfeld [Quo vadis exemplification research? Current findings and future challenges for a field of research]. In O. Jandura, A. Fahr & C. Wünsch (Eds.), Neue Medienumgebungen, neue Rezeptionssituationen, andere Wirkungen?  (pp. 123-140). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Brosius, H.-B., & Peter, C. (2011). Selective Exposure. In P. Moy (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies Online: Communication. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

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Menke, M., & Seeger, C. (2024). Different Media, Different Audiences, Different Harassment? How the Journalist-Audience Relationship Shapes Experiences of Harassment. Digital Journalism, 1–20.

Peter, C. & Muth, L. (2023). Social Media Influencers’ Role in Shaping Political Opinions and Actions of Young Audiences. Media & Communication, Advance Online Publication.

Gentile, M. F., Lowery, G., Noetzel, S., Zemanova, S., Lecheler, S., & Peter, C. (2023). Social Campaigns to Social Change? Sexual Violence Framing in U.S. News before and after #me-too. Journalism, 24(6), 1232-1262.

Peter, C. & Beckers, K. (2022). Vox pops vs. poll results—effects of consonant and 

dissonant displays of public opinion in news coverage. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34, 1- 12.

Peter, C. (2022). Media Coverage as Mirror or Molder? An Inference‐Based Framework. Media and Communication, 10(3), 183-195. 

Naderer, B., Peter, C., & Karsay, K. (2022). This picture does not portray reality: developing and testing a disclaimer for digitally enhanced pictures on social media appropriate for Austrian tweens and teens. Journal of Children & Media, 16(2), 149-167. 

Gentile, M. F., Lowery, G., Noetzel, S., Zemanova, S., Lecheler, S., & Peter, C. (2022). Social Campaigns to Social Change? Sexual Violence Framing in U.S. News before and after #metoo. Journalism, Online First.

Peter, C. (2021). The Will of the People? Effects of Politicians’ Subjective Claims About Public Opinion on Perceived Public Opinion and Evaluative Judgments. Mass Communication and Society, 24(3), 345-371. 

Peter, C., Breuer, J., Masur, P. K., Scharkow, M., & Schwarzenegger, C. (2020). Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Guidelines for handling research data in communication science]. SCM Studies in Communication and Media, 9(4), 599-626.

Peter, C. & Brosius, H.-B. (2020). Die Rolle der Medien bei Entstehung, Verlauf und Bewältigung von Essstörungen [The role of the media in the development, course, and management of eating disorders]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 64, 55-61.

Peter, C. & Zerback, T. (2020). Ordinary citizens in the news: A theoretical framework. Journalism Studies, 21(8), 1003-1016.

Krämer, B. & Peter, C. (2020). Exemplification effects: A meta-analysis. Human Communication Research, 40, 192–221.

Beckert, J., Koch, T., Viererbl, B., Denner, N. & Peter, C. (2020). Advertising in disguise? How disclosure and content features influence the effects of native advertising. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 45,  303–324.

Peter, C. & Koch, T. (2019). Countering misinformation: Strategies, challenges, and uncertainties. Studies in Communication and Media, 8, 431-445. doi: 10.5771/2192-4007-2019-4-431

Peter, C. (2019). The people’s voice—The people’s choice? How vox pop exemplars shape audience judgments as a function of populist attitudes. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96, 1004-1024. doi: 10.1177/1077699019852323

Zerback, T. & Peter, C. (2018). Exemplar effects on public opinion perception and attitudes: The moderating role of exemplar involvement. Human Communication Research, 44, 176-196. doi: 10.1093/hcr/hqx007

Peter, C. & Ponzi, M. (2018). Advertising strategies for hedonic and utilitarian brand types: The Risk of Omitting Warmth or Competence Information. Journal of Advertising Research, 58, 423-432. doi: 10.2501/JAR-2018-005

Koch, T. & Peter, C. (2017). Effects of equivalence framing on the perceived truth of political messages and the trustworthiness of politicians. Public Opinion Quarterly, 81, 847–865. doi: 10.1093/poq/nfx019

Denner, N. & Peter, C. (2017). Der Begriff Lügenpresse in deutschen Tageszeitungen – Eine Framing-Analyse [The term lying press in German daily newspapers - a framing analysis]. Publizistik,62, 273-297. doi:10.1007/s11616-017-0354-4

Peter, C., & Zerback, T. (2017). The role of similarity for exemplification effects. Studies in Communication and Media, 6, 71-80. doi: 10.5771/2192-4007-2017-1-71

Arendt, F., Peter, C., & Beck, J. (2017). Idealized female beauty, social comparisons, and awareness intervention material: Evidence for preventive effects in young women. Journal of Media Psychology. 29, 188-197. doi: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000181

Peter, C., & Brosius, H.-B. (2016). Massenmedien und ihr Bildungspotenzial aus medien- und kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht [Mass media and their educational potential from a media and communication science perspective]. Pädagogische Rundschau, 70, 143-158.

Peter, C., & Koch, T. (2016). When debunking scientific myths fails (and when it does not): The backfire effect in the context of journalistic coverage and immediate judgments as prevention strategy. Science Communication, 38, 3-25. doi: 0.1177/1075547015613523.

Peter, C., Rossmann, C., & Keyling, T. (2014). Exemplification 2.0? The roles of direct and indirect social information on conveying health messages through social network sites. Journal of Media Psychology, 26, 19-28. doi: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000103

Koch, T., Peter, C., & Obermaier, M. (2013). Optimisten glaubt man nicht. Wie sich valenzbasiertes Framing auf die Glaubwürdigkeit von Aussagen und deren Kommunikator auswirkt [Never trust an optimist-How valence framing affects the credibility of statements and their source]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 61, 551-567.

Peter, C., Fahr, A., & Früh, H. (2012). Im Spiegel der Anderen. Soziale Vergleiche mit Personen aus dem persönlichen und medialen Umfeld [Who tells us who we are? – Comparing oneself with persons from one’s social and media environments]. Publizistik, 57, 161-178. doi: 10.1007/s11616-012-0146-9

Peter, C., & Brosius, H.-B. (2010). Grenzen der Wirksamkeit von Fallbeispielen? [Exemplification effects limited?] Publizistik, 55, 275-288. doi:10.1007/s11616-010-0091-4

Other Publications

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Peter, C. & Brosius, H.-B. (2020). Umgang mit der Corona-Krise. Teil 1: Mediennutzung. [Dealing with the Corona-Crisis. Part 1: Media Usage].

Peter, C., Breuer, J., Masur, P. K., Schwarkow, M., & Schwarzenegger, C. (2020). Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Recommendations for handling research data in communication science]. Guidelines of the German Communication Assciation. Available online at:

Naab, T., Peter, C., Bilandzic, H., Lauf, E., & Hartmann, T. (2015). How to go international. DGPuK-Wegweiser Publizieren und Referieren in der internationalen Kommunikationswissenschaft. Guidelines of the German Communication Association. Available online at:

Scientific Presentations

Presentations at International Conferences

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Seeger, C., Egelhofer, J., & Binder, A. (2024, June). The impact of digital harassment of scientists on public trust in science. Paper presented at workshop “Trust and Knowledge in a High-Choice Media Environment – International Perspectives”, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Seeger, C., Egelhofer, J., & Binder, A. (2024, June). The impact of digital harassment of scientists on public trust in science. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Science Communication Division of the German Communication Association, Zurich, Switzerland. 

Egelhofer, J., Peter, C. & Binder, A. (2023, May). Effects of witnessing harassments against scientists on scientists. Paper presented at the postconference "Authentic Voices in Science Communication" at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada.

Peter, C. & Muth, L. (2022, May). Social Media Influencers’ Role in Shaping Political Opinions of Young Audiences. Interactive Poster presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Paris, France. 

Karsay, K., Naderer, B., Peter, C. & Devos, S. (2022, May). Positive Vibes Only? Linking Social Media Feeds and Survey Data to Understand the Associations between Positive Social Media Content and Psychological Well-Being. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Paris, France.

Menke, M. & Peter, C. (2021, September). The Complex Use of Emotions: Approaches in Different Journalistic Cultures. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Braga, Spain.

Peter, C. & Menke, M. (2021, September). Journalists’ Use and Evaluation of Exemplars in News Reports. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Braga, Spain.

Bruns, S. & Peter, C. (2020, May). News That Gets to You—Effects of Identity Threats and Boosts in News Coverage. Paper to at the 70th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Virtual Conference.

Naderer, B., Peter, C., & Karsay, K. (2020, May). This Picture Does Not Portray Reality: Developing And Testing a Disclaimer For Digitally Enhanced Pictures on Social Media Appropriate For Tweens And Teens. Paper presented at the 70th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Virtual Conference.

Peter, C. & Krämer, B. (2020, May). Exemplification Effects - A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at the 70th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Virtual Conference.

Beckert, J., Koch, T., Viererbl, B., Denner, N., & Peter, C. (2019, May). Is It All about Disclosure? Effects of Advertising Disclosure and Content Features in Native Advertising. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, DC.

Peter, C. & Beckers, K. (2019, May). And the Winner Is: Vox Pops or Opinion Polls? Effects of Consonant and Dissonant Displays of Public Opinion in News Coverage. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington DC, USA.

Peter, C. & Egelhofer, J. (2019, May). What You Read Is What You Feel, What You Feel Is What You Believe? The Role of Emotions in Debunking Fake News. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington DC, USA.

Peter, C., Karsay, K. & Naderer, B. (2019, May). Investigating Disclaimer Effectiveness on Women’s Body Image. Paper presented at the 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington DC, USA.

Peter, C. (2018, August). The Will of the People? – Effects of Subjective Claims to Public Opinion by Politicians. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Lugano, Switzerland.

Zerback, T. & Peter, C. (2018, November). Perceived Mirror or Perceived Molder? The Relevance of Different Inference Strategies Within the Spiral of Silence Theory. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Lugano, Switzerland.

Peter, C. (2018, August). The Trump-Effect: Effects of Subjective References to Public Opinion by Politicians. Poster presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington DC, USA.

Peter, C. (2018, May). The People’s Voice – The People’s Choice? Effects of Vox Pops and the Moderating Role of Populist Attitudes. Poster presented at the 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Prag, Czech Republic.

Peter, C. & Zerback, T. (2018, May). Who Breaks the Silence? Linking Perception of German Media Coverage on Refugees to Willingness to Speak Out. Paper presented at the preconference „Refugees, Religious Threats, and Political Radicalization“ prior to the 68th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Prag, Czech Republic.

Peter, C. (2017, August). Credibility and Persuasiveness of News Reports Featuring Vox Pops and the Role of Populist Attitudes. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, USA.

Peter, C. (2017, May). Are Common People More Trustworthy? Perception and Persuasiveness of Media Content featuring Vox Pops. Paper presented at the preconference „Ordinary Citizens in the News“ prior to the 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.

Peter, C., Arendt, F., & Stoykova, C. (2017, May). Exposure to Idealized Media Images and Preventive effects of awareness intervention material for young men. Paper presented at the 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.

Denner, N., & Peter, C. (2016, November). Self-Referential Reporting in German News Coverage - How Media Refers to the Term Lügenpresse. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Communication Conference (ECREA), Prag, Tschechien.

Arendt, F., Peter, C., & Beck, J. (2016, June). Idealized Female Beauty, Social Comparisons, and Awareness Intervention Material: Evidence for Preventive Effects in Young Women. Vortrag auf der 66. Jahrestagung International Communication Association (ICA). Fukuoka, Japan.

Peter, C. (2016, June). Does Negative Information About an Expert Endorser Harm the Promoted Product? Paper presented at the 66th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.

Peter, C. & Ponzi, M. (2016, June). Advertising Strategies for Hedonic vs. Utilitarian Brands: The Risk of Omitting Warmth or Competence Dimension. Paper presented at the 66th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan.

Peter, C., & Koch, T. (2015, August). Media's Influence on Judgments of Truth. Why People Trust in Bad Rather Than Good News. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco, USA. 

Peter, C. (2015, May). Social Comparison in Everyday Television Usage – The Role of Perceived Realism of Television Content. Paper presented at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Puerto Rico, USA.

Peter, C. & Koch, T. (2015, May). Misremembering Corrected Misinformation: How Judgment-Formation Strategies Can Prevent Backfire Effects and Their Consequences for People’s Attitudes. Paper presented at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Puerto Rico, USA.

Peter, C. (2014, May). This Ad Is So You!” – Perception and Effectiveness of Personalized Online-Advertisement. Paper presented at the 64th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.

Peter, C. & Koch, T. (2014, May). When Truth Hurts: How Rectifying Misinformation Can Lead to Unintended Consequences. Paper presented at the 64th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.

Zerback, T., Fawzi, N., & Peter, C. (2014, May). Can Exemplars Trigger a Spiral of Silence? Paper presented at the 64th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, USA.

Peter, C. & Koch, T. (2013, September). The Negativity Credibility Bias. Effects of Valence Framing on Truth Judgments and Source Credibility. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs), Würzburg, Germany.

Peter, C. & Brosius, H.-B. (2013, June). If You Want it to Count, Make it Visual? Effects of Poll Results and Exemplars on People’s Judgments on Political Issues. Paper presented at the 63th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK.

Peter, C. & Fahr, A. (2013, June). Mirror, Mirror on the (Digital) Wall: Social Comparison in Social Networks and the Effects on Self-Concept and Mood. Paper presented at the 63th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK.

Koch, T., Peter, C., & Obermaier, M. (2013, June). Never Trust an Optimist! Effects of Valence-Framing on Message and Source Credibility. Paper presented at the 63th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK.

Peter, C. (2012, October). „Compared to the folks on TV…“ - Proposal for a Process Model of Social Comparison with Media Characters. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Com­munication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Istanbul, Turkey.

Peter, C., & Jandura, O. (2012, October). Media Influence is Relative: Comparative Rating as a Measurement of Third-Person Effects. Paper presented at the biannual conference of the European Com­munication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Istanbul, Turkey.

Peter, C., & Brosius, H.-B. (2012, May). Processing Political Information in the Light of Exemplifica­tion Theory - Exemplification Effects Limited? Paper presented at the 62th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Phoenix, USA.

Peter, C., Fahr, A., & Früh, H. (2012, May). The Differences in Social Comparison Between Media Characters and Real Persons: Measures and Results. Paper presented at the 62th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Phoenix, USA.

Peter, C., Rossmann, C., & Keyling, T. (2012, May). Exemplification 2.0: Exemplars in the Online Environment and Their Impact on Users’ Judgements. Paper presented at the 62th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Phoenix, USA.

Peter, C., Fahr, A., & Früh, H. (2011, May). Who Tells us Who we Are? Differences in Social Comparisons With Media Characters and Real Persons. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Istanbul, Turkey.

Peter, C., & Brosius, H.-B. (2011, May). Exploring the Impact of Base-Rate Information in News Reports: Visualization as a Key Factor? Paper presented at the 61th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Boston, USA.

Presentation at German-Speaking Conferences

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Obermaier, M., Seeger, C., Frischlich, L., Schmid, U., Riesmeyer, C. (2024, March). Ein leichtes Ziel? Risikofaktoren inziviler Angriffe gegen Kommunikationswissenschaftler:innen. Paper presented at the annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Erfurt, Germany. 

Seeger, C. & Binder, A. (2024, Januar). Stimulation oder Stigma? Effekte verschiedener Kommunikationsstrategien von Mental Health Influencer*innen. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung, Fribourg, Schweiz. 

Egelhofer, J., Peter, C. & Binder, A. (2023, July). Anfeindungen gegen Wissenschaft - Eine systematische Untersuchung der Verbreitung und Auswirkungen auf Wissenschaftler*innen und allgemeine Bevölkerung. Paper presented at the Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Tage (biannual conference of the Austrian Communication Association), Klagenfurt, Austria.

Peter, C., Frischlich, L., Obermaier, M., Schmid, U., Riesmeyer, C. & Menke, M. (2023, May). Die dunkle Seite der Wissenschaftskommunikation – Erfahrungen von Kommunikationswissenschaftler:innen mit inzivilen Angriffen. Paper presented at the annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Bremen, Germany.

Peter, C., Diehl, S. & Koinig, I. (2022, February). Abonniere Lifestyle, bekomme Einstellung? Das Phänomen der „Sinnfluencer*innen“ und ihre Rolle für die Sozialisation Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener. Workshop at the annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), virtual.

Menke, M. & Peter, C. (2021, April). Emotional Labor und Emotional Literacy im Journalismus am Beispiel des Umgangs mit inzivilem Publikumsfeedback. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Zurich, Switzerland.

Peter, C. & Menke, M. (2021, April). Emotionaler, dramatischer, einzigartiger? – Der journalistische Umgang mit Fallbeispielen als Mittel zur Emotionalisierung. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Zurich, Switzerland.

Scheper, J., Scherer, H. & Peter, C. (2021, April). Täuschen oder Imaginieren: Meinungsklimawahrnehmung in Bezugsgruppen als experimentelle Bedingung. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Zurich, Switzerland. 

Riesmeyer, C., Bößenecker, M., Frischlich, L. Markiewitz, A., Menke, M., Obermaier, M., Peter, C., Schulze, H., & Wulf, T. (2021, April). Gemeinsam gegen Hass: Von individuellen Strategien zum organisierten Umgang mit Hate Speech gegen Wissenschaftler*innen im Fach. Workshop at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Zurich, Switzerland. 

Naderer, B., Karsay, K. & Peter, C. (2018, November). Picture Perfect – Die Wirkung von Bearbeitungshinweisen bei Bildern auf den wahrgenommenen Realismus und die Körperzufriedenheit junger Frauen [Picture perfect - The effect of disclaimers on pictures on the perceived realism and body satisfaction of young women]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Visual Communication Division (DGPuK), Vienna, Austria.

Beckert, J., Koch, T., Viererbl, B., Denner, N. & Peter, C. (2017, November). Werbung im Redaktionsmantel. Zwei Experimente zur Wirkung von Native Advertising [Advertising in an editorial coat. Two experiments on the effect of native advertising]. Paper presented at joint conference of the Advertising and Public Relations Divisions (DGPuK), Vienna, Austria.

Denner, N., & Peter, C. (2017, April). Die Lügenpresse in den Medien – Eine Framing-Analyse [The „lying press“ in the media - a framing analysis]. Paper presented at the annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Düsseldorf, Germany.

Peter, C., Arendt F., & Stoykova, C. (2017, January). Awareness-Videos als Präventionsstrategie für die Wirkung medialer Schönheitsideale: Experimentelle Evidenz für junge Männer [Awareness videos as a preventive strategy for the effect of media beauty ideals: experimental evidence for young men]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Media Use and Effects Division (DGPuK), Erfurt, Germany.

Peter, C., & Meier, A. (2016, Januar). “Tomorrow: @House of Cards” – (Unerwünschte) Effekte der Verwendung popkultureller Referenzen auf die Wahrnehmung von Politikern ["Tomorrow: @House of Cards" - (Undesirable) effects of the use of pop cultural references on the perception of politicians]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Media Use and Effects Division (DGPuK), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Peter, C. (2016, Januar). Wir mussten uns aus Imagegründen von ihm trennen.” – Wirklich? Auswirkungen von Negativberichterstattung über Experten-Testimonials auf das beworbene Produkt und die Kaufbereitschaft [Effects of negative reporting of expert testimonials on the advertised product and willingness to buy]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Media Use and Effects Division (DGPuK), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Peter, C. & Koch, T. (2015, Januar). Backfire-Effekt: Warum das Korrigieren von Fehlinformationen gegenteilige Effekte haben kann [Backfire effect: Why correcting misinformation can have opposite effects]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Media Use and Effects Division (DGPuK), Bamberg, Germany.

Zerback, T. & Peter, C. (2014, Mai). Fallbeispiele als Auslöser von Schweigespiralprozessen? Wirkungen von Anzahl und Tenor individueller Meinungsäußerungen auf Meinungsklimawahrnehmung, Isolationsfurcht und Redebereitschaft [Exemplars as triggers for silence spiral processes?]. Paper presented at annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Passau, Germany.

Peter, C. & Brosius, H.-B. (2013, Mai). Neue Perspektiven in der Fallbeispielforschung – Der Einfluss von visuell aufbereiteten Umfragedaten und Fallbeispielen in der Politikberichterstattung [New perspectives exemplification research - The influence of visual base-rates and exemplars in political reporting]. Paper presented at annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Mainz, Germany.

Koch, T., Peter, C., & Obermaier, M. (2013, Januar). Optimisten sind unglaubwürdig - Effekte von valenzbasiertem Framing auf die Glaubwürdigkeit von Botschaft und Kommunikator [Never trust an optimist - Effects of valence framing on the credibility of message and source]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Media Use and Effects Division (DGPuK), Vienna, Austria.

Peter, C., & Koch, T. (2012, November). Sag mir wer du bist und ich sag dir was du brauchst. Wahr­nehmung und Wirkung personalisierter Werbebotschaften im Web 2.0 [Tell me who you are and I'll tell you what you need. Perception and effect of personalized advertising messages in Web 2.0]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Advertising Division (DGPuK), Würzburg, Germany.

Koch, T., Obermaier, M., & Peter, C. (2012, November). Viel hilft viel? Einfluss von Wiederholungsan­zahl und Größe von Internetwerbebannern auf Mere-Exposure- und Truth-Effekt [The more, the merrier? Influence of the number of repetitions and size of online advertising banners on the mere-exposure and truth effect]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Advertising Division (DGPuK), Würzburg, Germany.

Jandura, O., Peter, C., & Küchenhoff, H. (2012, September). Die Guten ins Töpfchen, doch wer sind die Schlechten? Ein Vergleich verschiedener Strategien der Datenbereinigung [The good ones go in the pot, but who are the bad ones? A comparison of different data cleansing strategies]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Methods Division (DGPuK), Zurich, Switzerland.

Peter, C. (2012, Januar). Soziale Vergleichsprozesse mit Medienpersonen [Social comparison processes with media personae]. Paper presented at doctorial consortium prior to the annual conference of the Media Use and Effects Division (DGPuK), Hamburg, Germany.

Peter, C., & Fahr, A. (2011, September). Vergleiche vergleichen. Validierung eines Comparative ranking durch Bildvorlagen zur Erfassung sozialer Vergleichsprozesse mit Medienpersonen [Comparing comparisons – Instruments for measuring social comparisons with media personae]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Methods Division (DGPuK), Hanover, Germany.

Peter, C., Fahr, A., & Früh, H. (2011, Juni). Im Spiegel der Anderen: Soziale Vergleiche mit Medienpersonen und Personen aus dem sozialen Umfeld [Others as a mirror for the self: Social comparisons with people from the personal and media environment]. Paper presented at annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Dortmund, Germany.

Peter, C. (2011, Januar). Quo vadis Fallbeispielforschung? Aktuelle Befunde und zukünftige Herausforderungen an ein Forschungsfeld [Quo vadis exemplification research? Current findings and future challenges for a field of research]. Paper presented at annual conference of the Media Use and Effects Division (DGPuK), Munich, Germany.

Peter, C., & Brosius, H.-B. (2010, Mai). Grenzen der Wirksamkeit von Fallbeispielen? – Ein Experiment zum Einfluss der summarischen Realitätsbeschreibung in der Fallbeispielforschung [Exemplification effects limited?].Paper presented at annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Ilmenau, Germany.  

Invited Talks

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Peter, C. (2023, Juni). Sind Sinnfluencer:innen die besseren Influencer:innen? Keynote at the IU-Fachtagung Content Marketing 2.0, München.

Peter, C. (2020, April). Der Wille des Volkes? Die Meinung einfacher Bürger*innen und ihre mediale Darstellung im Wandel. Vitznauer Gespräche, Invitation by Otfried Jarren (postponed due to Covid19-travel restrictions). 

Peter, C. (2018, April). Citizen Voices in German News Coverage and Their Effects on Audience Judgments. Research Talk am Institut für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universität Wien. 

Peter, C. (2017, November). Die Meinung der Anderen – Die Darstellung von Meinungsklimahinweisen und ihre Wirkungen auf Rezipientenurteile. Vortrag gehalten am Institut für Publizistikwissenschaft und Medienforschung, Universität Zürich.

Peter, C. (2017, Oktober). Der einfache Bürger in den Medien. Vortrag gehalten auf dem Symposium zu Ehren Prof. Dr. Hans-Bernd Brosius, Universität München.